GOC President Ben Nunoo- Mensah Calls On Congress For Another Four Year Mandate

The President of the Ghana Olympic Committee (GOC) Ben Nunoo Mensah is calling on members of Congress to give him another four year mandate in the upcoming Elections.

Ben Nunoo Mensah is currently seeking re-election in the upcoming GOC Elective Congress which has been scheduled for March 15.

The President of the Ghana Weightlifting Federation was voted as the GOC President in 2017 and is currently calling on Congress members to vote him for another four years.

In a letter sighted by the Media, the GOC President expressed gratitude for the faith shown him by Congress during his four year tenure.

Also in the letter, Ben Nunoo Mensah appealed to the members to vote for him to continue the good works he has started.

Ben Nunoo Mensah is strongly contested by the President of the Ghana Hockey Association, Richard Akpokavie Esq.

The letter reads:

Dear Colleagues.

Let me first say a big THANKS to all of you, on behalf of the current board of the GOC and on my own behalf.

Its been 4 years of hard work with its own challenges, but through it all you stood by us, worked to the best of your abilities, to ensure the modest success story we are telling today.

Secondly, as requested by most of you, I have duly put myself up to serve you again for another 4 years as President.

It is my fervent wish that you will give me the mandate again, so we can continue to build on the success we have chalked, the support to the NFs and athletes and the progressive changes we have brought, especially opening the GOC up for all to feel part of.

You all made it possible. A number of you who have also filed to contest for various positions in the forthcoming elections, have endorsed my candidature and expressed the hope of working with me as the leader in a new GOC board, I also endorse all of you and I am accordingly appealing to all colleagues here to give these aspirants your nod also, so i can have a team with a unity of purpose, a team with so much diverse strengths and backgrounds, and a team working for Ghana Sports and for all of us.

I am so grateful to all of you for your tremendous support and prayers in the last 4 years, and more especially for being part of the success story ( I will post a few here)

Thank you Colleagues.

God bless you.


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