Election 2024: Haruna Iddrisu Criticizes Bawumia’s Upgrade Comment

Election 2024: Haruna Iddrisu Criticizes Bawumia’s Upgrade Comment

The Member of Parliament for Tamale South Hon. Haruna Iddrisu has criticized Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia’s comment on Economic Upgrade.

Haruna Iddrisu began by addressing the recent tension between Hon. Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa and a minister in Parliament, urging for respect and cooperation between ministers and parliamentary committees.

“The chair of the committee and the minister owe some fiduciary responsibility to the people of Ghana.”

Hon. Haruna Iddrisu the Member of Parliament for Tamale South Constituency

Haruna Iddrisu emphasized that Parliament is a forum to ventilate right and wrong, with right always prevailing over partisanship. Haruna Iddrisu highlighted that parliamentary committees have powers akin to those of the High Court. Therefore, the effectiveness of Parliament hinges on the effectiveness of its committees, especially critical ones like the Government Assurance Committee, he remarked.

This accountability, according to him, is essential for the effectiveness of Parliament as an institution.

The NDC’s Vision: Resetting, Not Upgrading

Haruna Iddrisu emphasized that Ghana is currently in a state of crisis, a fact admitted even by President Nana Akufo-Addo and his running mate, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia. In such a crisis, he argued, upgrading should not be the focus. Shifting the focus to the state of the nation, Hon. Iddrisu questioned;

“What is the state of Ghana? What is the nail of our republic?… Do you upgrade unemployment? Do you upgrade the cost-of-living crisis? Do you upgrade the cost of doing business? …Certainly no, you reset.”

Hon. Haruna Iddrisu the Member of Parliament for Tamale South Constituency

Haruna Iddrisu highlighted that former President John Dramani Mahama is setting the tone for the NDC’s agenda, which is focused on resetting four critical aspects of Ghana’s national life. Haruna Iddrisu stated that President Mahama’s primary focus will be resetting the economy. According to him, the current economic crisis includes an unsustainable debt level of over GHS600 billion, compared to the GHS120 billion inherited in 2017.

“Now you have inflation which even galloped to 54%, now coming to 23% and coming down.”

Hon. Haruna Iddrisu the Member of Parliament for Tamale South Constituency

Hon. Iddrisu remarked, illustrating the volatility of the economy. He stressed that only a reset can address these economic challenges.

Economic Stimulus: A 24-Hour Economy

One of the key components of Mahama’s plan is an economic stimulus through a 24-hour economy. Haruna Iddrisu defended this vision against critics, including Dr. Bawumia, who questioned its feasibility.

“…There were those who said that he cannot legislate about a 24-hour economy.”

Hon. Haruna Iddrisu the Member of Parliament for Tamale South Constituency

According to Haruna Iddrisu what needs to be legislated is the Labor Act, which would allow shifts to be introduced, enabling continuous business operations. “It starts with the rest of the public sector,” he added, emphasizing the need for security agencies to support businesses in operating round the clock.

Haruna Iddrisu also spoke of Mahama’s commitment to incentivizing the private sector to drive the economy. Mahama’s administration, he explained, would establish a National Export Strategy chaired by the President to focus on expanding exports.

“What Ghana needs is expanded export.”

Hon. Haruna Iddrisu the Member of Parliament for Tamale South Constituency

Haruna Iddrisu asserted, criticizing the NPP government for failing in agricultural development despite significant investments in programs like Planting for Food and Jobs.

Agriculture and Manufacturing as Twin Drivers of Growth

Agriculture and manufacturing will be the twin drivers of growth in Mahama’s economic strategy, with a particular emphasis on value addition and export.

“President Mahama promises that there will be value addition.”

Hon. Haruna Iddrisu the Member of Parliament for Tamale South Constituency

Haruna Iddrisu pointed out the failure of the NPP’s agricultural initiatives. The NDC manifesto also promises to upgrade irrigation infrastructure across the country, including in the Afram Plains, Northern Ghana, and the Upper West Region.  This will ensure year-round agriculture, which is critical for addressing food insecurity and boosting the agricultural sector’s contribution to the economy.

Addressing the private sector’s role in the 24-hour economy, Haruna Iddrisu outlined Mahama’s plan to provide strategic incentives to businesses that contribute to addressing unemployment, increasing the GDP, and boosting exports.

“Anybody in that sector who can provide value addition will be granted some incentives.”

Hon. Haruna Iddrisu the Member of Parliament for Tamale South Constituency

These incentives will be aimed at sectors like agriculture and manufacturing, supporting businesses that create jobs and drive economic growth. Haruna Iddrisu also criticized the NPP’s handling of the country’s economy, specifically their reliance on imports and failure to develop local industries. Haruna Iddrisu argued that Ghana is capable of producing goods like tomatoes and pepper, which are currently being imported, and that the NDC will support farmers dedicated to the production and export of these products. “Let’s support farmers dedicated to their production and export of those products,” he urged.

Haruna Iddrisu issued a sharp critique of the NPP and Dr. Bawumia, arguing that they have missed their opportunity to lead the country effectively.

“What you cannot do in eight years, you are now promising in 100 days.”

Hon. Haruna Iddrisu the Member of Parliament for Tamale South Constituency

Haruna Iddrisu called on Ghanaians to judge the NPP based on their performance over the past eight years, asserting that President Mahama’s focus on resetting, rather than upgrading, is the right approach for Ghana.

“Have they ended the suffering of the Ghanaian people? Let Ghanaians judge them.”

Hon. Haruna Iddrisu the Member of Parliament for Tamale South Constituency

Haruna Iddrisu emphasized that the upcoming election is about whether the NPP has ended the suffering of Ghanaians as they promised.

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