Election 2024: Bryan Acheampong forced to Clarify “NPP Will Win Election at All Cost” Comment

Election 2024: Bryan Acheampong forced to Clarify “NPP Will Win Election at All Cost” Comment

The Minister of Food and Agriculture Dr. Bryan Acheampong, has clarified his comment on the firm belief that the New Patriotic Party (NPP) will win election in the upcoming 2024 general elections at all cost.

The minister emphasized that winning elections is the fundamental responsibility of any political party, including the NPP.

The minister reiterated that his party will use every legitimate and legal strategy to achieve this goal, underscoring the importance of deploying effective campaigns to resolve internal issues, and ensuring visible developmental projects. He emphasized:

“The NPP will win the 2024 elections and as a political party, I think our job is to win elections. So we plan, we campaign, and we deploy whatever strategy that we know, of course, legally that will get us to win the election.”

Dr. Bryan Acheampong the Minister of Food and Agriculture

The Importance of Campaign Strategies and Groundwork

The minister highlighted the significance of a solid campaign strategy in winning elections. The minister acknowledged the role of resolving internal disputes within the party, particularly in constituencies where the NPP had lost seats in previous elections. The minister cited the example of the Akwetia constituency, where internal conflicts contributed to the loss of the seat to the opposition, but he assured that those issues have been resolved, giving the NPP a strong chance of winning the seat back. The minister elaborated on the necessity of visible projects and government performance, stating:

“The voter must want to see some visible projects. They want to see things that you have done, to affect them, on a day-by-day.”

Dr. Bryan Acheampong the Minister of Food and Agriculture

The minister also mentioned last-minute efforts like connecting electricity and constructing roads to secure voter support on election day. The minister expressed confidence that, the NPP had laid a strong foundation to ensure their victory in 2024, based on their performance and strategic candidate selections. The minister did not shy away from critiquing the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and its electoral record.

“From 2000 to 2008, all the elections that we have had, the NDC have shown that they are not able to win any credible elections, except in 2008… In 2012, yes they won, but everybody in this country knows why we went to court because we had significant evidence to show that they devised strategies when they were in power to sort of put 2, 3, 4, [and ] 5 votes on all the 27,000 polling stations across the country.”

Dr. Bryan Acheampong the Minister of Food and Agriculture

The minister further argued that, the NDC’s average vote share since 2000 hovers around 48.3%, which he believes is insufficient to secure an electoral victory without external efforts such as discrediting the NPP government.

In contrast, the minister claimed that the NPP’s core support base is stronger, with an average of 51.1% of the vote, giving them a better chance of winning elections.

Defending His Comments

The minister faced scrutiny over his earlier remarks, where he was quoted as saying that the NPP would win the 2024 elections “by whichever means necessary.”

This statement raised concerns that he was suggesting the party might resort to illegal or unethical methods to secure victory. However, the minister clarified that, his comment was misunderstood, and that he was merely emphasizing the party’s commitment in doing everything legally possible to win the elections. He emphasized:

“What I said on the platform is what every political party says. We are a political party, and we have to do everything possible to win an election…but it cannot suggest violence, mayhem, rigging, and all those things.’’

Dr. Bryan Acheampong the Minister of Food and Agriculture

The minister dismissed accusations that the NPP would engage in election rigging, pointing out that, historically, it is the NDC that has been accused of such practices. He stated:

“…Has NPP ever been accused of rigging any of the elections? Is it not the NDC that on two or three occasions we’ve taken to court for rigging elections?”

Dr. Bryan Acheampong the Minister of Food and Agriculture

In his defense, the minister emphasized that the NPP would win the elections legitimately at the polling stations, without resorting to any underhanded tactics. The minister remarked by reiterating that, his message was intended to reassure NPP supporters of the party’s chances in the upcoming elections. The minister urged them to have confidence in the party’s ability to win the elections based on the groundwork laid and the strategies implemented. He firmly stated:

“…what I said was to assure the NPP folks and those who vote for us that, we will win the 2024 election.”

Dr. Bryan Acheampong the Minister of Food and Agriculture

The minister’s comment reflects the NPP’s confidence in their ability to retain power in 2024, while also addressing concerns raised by his earlier remarks. The minister’s emphasis on legal strategies and visible developmental projects underscores the party’s approach to securing voter support and ensuring a legitimate victory.

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